3- Ximena Larios

    This week I have noticed that the plants have become more thicker at the roots. It also appears as if they have shed leaves as opposed to the normal growth of more leaves, but I think this is due to the actual Brussels sprout plants and how they will grown taller as opposed to growing wider and leafier.

    The plants participate in the water cycle due to the transportation of the water that originates in roots but then travels up to the top of the plant/leaves. I think that due to the actual plant and the type it didn't have the proper cells to fully transport the water to the leaves because the actual roots are longer.
    The plants trap in or use the carbon in order to feed and be self-sustaining. These plants 
    use up the carbon to create sugar for themselves and to move along the process of photosynthesis. Once this process is done the carbon is once again recycled into the atmosphere. 

    Nitrogen helps our plants have the proper amount of energy required in order to grow its actual produce. In this case, nitrogen is helping our group grow the Brussel Sprouts.



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