Bio: My name is Kate Kimball and I live in San Jose, California. In my old house we had a big backyard. So behind our pool, in a grass area, we had a little garden. We grew some tomatoes and strawberries. I remember it was hard because sometimes the plants wouldn't grow. But also fun because it was a family bonding experience. My aunt Lauren is a cook, so she knows a lot about growing food and preparing it. So we would make salads with homegrown tomatoes in it when she would come visit.
4- Ximena Larios
Some abiotic factors that are needed to keep a plant striving and alive is sunlight, water, topography, soil, and climate. These factors all help the plant get enough physical nutrients. Some biotic factors that plants need to survive are bacteria so it helps the soil be full of nourishing. The team knew that the plants were competing because we needed to put our plants in the back of the flower bed due to the plants needing to grow as tall as possible and if they were in the front they would block all the rest of the plants. All the plants are competing for sunlight, and space. The winners and losers are determined by which plants survive. Of course, the 'winners' and 'losers' are not always clear cut due to the average eye is not able to identify which plants are striving over others. Mutualism is when two organisms benefit from each other. In this case, the bacteria helps with the roots of the plants getting nitrogen, and the plant helps the bacteria get sugars....
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